Friday, March 4, 2011

So She Says Ta Me

So she says ta me, It Just Is

She’s got lots of money, but she doesn’t.
So she says ta me, It Just Is.

Ten thousand civilians killed
in Afghanistan.
Not doin’ a thing.
So she says ta me, It Just Is.

Two years in a row with zero increase
to live in a dying empire.
So she says ta me, It Just Is.

Prisons are stuffed to the gills.
So she says ta me, It Just Is.

A river of beings in a murk of a flow.
They Go.
So she says ta me, It Just Is.

Traumatized at birth, she pulled in 
from the world.
So she says ta me, It Just Is.

The drench of a rain down the trunk
of that tree.
So she says ta me, It Just Is.

Someone who hears how the rain
washes pain.
So she says ta me, It Just Is.

She tells her Buddhist psychologist
about a recent meltdown.
So she says ta me, It Just Is.

Her horses were wild,
but they’re now reconciled.
She Charioteers by watching her breath.
So she says ta me, It Just Is.

mickey morgan
new moon
30th day of 13th moon, 2137
waxing moon


  1. "Her horses were wild, but they're now reconciled."

    I love that one...

  2. I like the mix of funny and tragic, which so perfectly sums up life.
